Saturday, February 9, 2008

20 minute stitch

I didn't time myself or nothin', but this was easy to make and only took a few minutes. The coaster is one of a set of four that the Old Lady has had for several years. Until now, all still had the stock photos in them. I didn't even realize until a couple months ago that you were supposed to put your own pictures in them. Don't ask how I missed that.

I'm not sure what's going in the other three coasters. I can't find screenshots of the treasures and the logs would probably look pretty lame. It'll most likely be three gators (crocodiles? hard to tell... but their lower teeth don't seem to be exposed) or a combination of gators and snakes.

On a related note, I came across this site while looking for screenshots. The sight of a hot dog fellating Peter Pepper has scarred me for life.

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